Hlavní sloupec
(ze dne 07. 06. 2020, autor článku: )
Komentář ze dne: 31. 05. 2006 08:58:39
Autor: Kača
Titulek: Jak se pozná pravý horoholik 5
*You quote the movie to people who have no idea you're quoting anything. They just think you talk funny.
*...you greet people with the question "Have you already seen Brokeback Mountain?" instead of asking the usual like "Hi, how are you doing?"
*.. .when you have to leave this message board and shut down your computer, for whatever reason, and all you can think is: There is never enough time, never enough!
*When you've watched the second tent scene for the 100th time on youtube (13 days till the DVD is out here) and you start arguing with yourself over whether Ennis says "sorry" or not, because none of your friends understand the movie the same way you do (mind you, I guess that explains the need to read this forum all the time)
*you start saving money in a coffee can.
*...you can unbuckle your belt with one hand.
*When you can't get the words "You know I'm going to meet you on that final day, water walking Jesus, take me awaaaaay" out of your head.
*When you can't quite remember: Is Gyllenhaal's first name Jake or Jack?
*When you realise that almost all the above (and more) applies to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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