Hlavní sloupec
(ze dne 07. 06. 2020, autor článku: )
Komentář ze dne: 09. 04. 2006 15:34:41
Autor: chemlon
Titulek: Pocta BBM / 4. část
"I just wish every human on this little world would see this movie and fully understand what is being told, then the world would be a better place!" (J55pph)
"I am happy that something of this quality that shows same-sex love in such a beautiful way is reaching the masses. It's about time." (Ennisandjack)
"M y heart breakes and breakes and breakes, and I long to put things right, to save Ennis from that horrible little trailer, the crushing poverty and emptyness." (Titus)
"I'm just emotionally devastated right now - almost in a state of profound grief. For all the Jake and Ennis' out there, for myslef, and for the society which denies someone the freedom to truly live a loved life." (Jagrafess)
"Brok eback Mountaim is just flying in a totally different level... it hits so deeply." (Alohathere)
"I grieved for the characters and I grieved for myself, because in a sense, I lost both Jack and Ennis when the movie ended." (Frog)
"I don't think there was ever a truer, more powerful, intense love; that's why this movie isn't just any movie. It's Brokeback Mountain", a masterpiexce." (Otaku)
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